Tuesday 17 November 2020

Camp was awesome!

Last time i talked about camp sooooooo you should read that first. It was about what we were going to do there and it has been a couple of weeks past camp so i think it's time to talk about it. Monday: On monday we had a four hour bus ride and on the way we had walks and food monday was quite boring and i had a horrible sleep.(Asoe i did not sleep with my kuzins i slept in a cabin).Tuesday: Tuesday was scary we went to the infimes napier prison. If you haven't been there then i'll give you a run down there was a fishermen who aet peoples eyeballs, there was a room for the worst prisoners and the people who went in there never came out and much more.

 Wednesday: I love honey it's deelishis thats why this was my favorite day because we went to Arataki Honey. we got to learn about bees and even got to bring some honey back home with are wax candle that we made there definitely the best day at camp. Thursday: on thursday we went to the aquarium but there was something even  better a cracked out man asking all of us  for drugs... truly a great end to camp.



Thursday 15 October 2020

Camp is coming!

Camp is awesome! You get to hang out with friends, go on advenchers and much much more. Are year 6 camp is going to great why  well it's because we're going on on a four hour bus ride to Napier! 

It's going to be so fun on monday to thursday were doing so much stuff ( i'll tell you in the next blog so stay tooned). My cousins live right across the road from the camp so i'm staying with my mum at my cousins  house at night.

 In conclusion camp is going to be awesome and i'll see you next time. 

Thursday 17 September 2020

The farm!!!

The farm was great we got to hang out with sheep, make butter and watch a butcher kill an animal FUN I know let's go into detail. We started with the best part the BUS RIDE you might not agree but for a person who NEVER EVER gos on bus its special. We arrived and it SKINNED we formed a line and I saw this guy sawing a sheep in half (great start so far ). 

What are school did is that we split in classes I sadly didn't go with my best friend but who cares that won't ruin the day. We started the tour with looking at the things they use on the farm like tractors,motorbikes and drones it was quite boring since they didn't use any of them. next was shearing the sheep it's quite obvious  what we did the sheep got some cuts but it's fine.

The only animals that I saw were sheep and dogs but that was going to change when we saw a cow and we made butter by shaking some milk in a jar. Remember the butcher from erlear well he's back with the same killed sheep from earlier shredding it to pieces .

In conclusion the farm was AWESOME and SMELLY!!!      


Monday 7 September 2020

Beach day!!!

At the beach we dug a hole and this is how it went. The people who were digging the hole were my friends Bay, William and me Wolfe. Shortly after the hole was super deep but Bay left because his other friends had a shovel. We dug a hole so deep that we couldn't dig more down so I decided to bury myself.

It was easy burying me because we had left over sand from when we were digging. we finally buried myself don't worry they didn't bury my head. I didn't really do anything because I couldn't move but it was fun watching people's reactions. At the end we were going to draw a body with my face on it since I was  buried but we had to leave. 

In conclusion beach day was awesome!!!  

Tuesday 25 August 2020


 Reading is great you probably like it to or else why would you be reading this. If you don't like reading then your half percent of people in the world who don't like reading and i'm going to talk about why you should read so don't click away.

My first reason is education instead of someone telling you on the internet you can read a book it's more healthier too. Speaking of being healthy my second reason is reading is healthy for you way more healthier than screens. And my last reason is reading is fun because you can imagine what's going on in the book.

In conclusion reading is awesome and I like jelly beans.