Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Recap of term 3

We went to the Te Poho o Rawiri Marae
 for a trip it was fun but I didn’t stay the night. I had a fun time  listening to their stories, they sometimes get a little boring but when there's something interesting it’s worth the wait.
 I've been in the talent show, my talent was 
talking about art and I showed my art in it as well.
We are going to do a musical item this week for the talent show on friday. Our class is doing the song called Dig It Up from the movie Holes. 
 Holes  is a book that our class is reading and we are done yay!!! I didn’t like the book but I recommend it because of the comedy, the characters and the story itself.  We made new stuff this term like making t-shirts in room 6 if we wanted to during whole school discovery.   


Seeking help

Today I was learning about being an upstander
I enjoyed making it
I found it challenging to write it
My digital learning object shows about being an upstander
Next time I would change my selfie